Education and Training

2023                    Various trainings on trauma treatment e.g. with Dr. Gabor Maté, Dr. James Gordon etc.


2021-22               Body psychotherapy training with Dr. Sylvester Walch


2021                    EMDR for chronic pain and psychosomatic symptoms with Dr. Christine Rost


2021                    EMDR Curriculum at the EMDR Institut Austria


2020                    Masters Degree at the Danube University Krems

                            Master of Science


2019-20               Master Thesis at the Danube University Krems specializing on Psychoneuroimmunology


2019                    Mindfulness Retreat with Jon Kabat-Zinn


2019                    Leadership Embodiment with Paul King


2019                    Embodied Yoga Principles Fundamentals with Mark Walsh


2018                    Self-connection, resonance, inner security with Thomas Harms


2017                    Emotional Freedom Techniques Workshop, Danube University Krems


2016                    Eating Disorders Workshop, Danube University Krems


2016                    Trauma Workshop, Danube University Krems


2015                    Pain Symposium, Danube University Krems


2015                    Positive Neuroplasticity Workshop with Rick Hanson


2015                    “Impact Training” with Jeffrey Zeig und Christian Mikunda


2015                    „Generative Change“ with Stephen Gilligan


2014                    Voluntary Work at MTMT

                            Initiative for animal-assisted therapy


2014                    „Presence in Stillness“

                            Body works with Mike Boxhall


2013                    Hypnosystemic Masterclass

                            with Jeffrey Zeig


2013 – 2020        Master Programme Psychotherapy (Integrative Therapy)

                            Donauuniversität Krems


2013 – 2014        Psycho-oncology Training

                            at the Austrian Society for Psycho-oncology


2013                    Psycho-cardiology Training

                            at the Austrian Society for Psychosomatic and Internal Medicine


2011 – 2015        Systemic Therapy Trainings

                            at the SySt-Institut in Munich, with Bradford Keeney, Stephan Hausner

                            and Daan van Kampenhout


 2011 – 2012        University Course Psychotherapy Propaedeutic

                            University of Vienna


2008 – 2009        “Touch for Health” I-IV

                            International Kinesiology College


2006 – 2007        Mental Trainer Course

                            certified by the Donauuniversität Krems


2005                    Coaching and Leading

                            Business University Michigan


1996 – 2011        Sales, Marketing, Coaching, Management, NLP trainings

                            at the Buckinghamshire Chilterns University College,

                            the Management Centre Europe in London an Institut Trilog


1990/1991           University Programme for Export

                            University of Economics Vienna


1984/1990           University Studies Simultaneous Translation English and Russian

                            Magister phil.


1984                    Secondary School Gmuend passed with distinction